Find detailed information on the installation requirements of TracPipe® and TracPipeCC® to include items such as direct burial, routing within unventilated voids, installations in timber and light steel framed buildings and much more.
Technical Downloads

TracPipe® Kit Installation Leaflet
Overview of the installation requirements for TracPipe® KITS
Sum of Pressure Loss Worksheet for project pipe sizing
This Excel worksheet allows you to size your installation using the specific flow characteristics of TracPipe® and TracPipe® to make sure you are always using the correct size of pipe
M&E Specification Sheet
This document can be used by specifiers to ensure all of the relevant information for both TracPipe® and TracPipeCC® can be included in your specification documentation.
OmegaFlex® UK Products Submittal Sheets
This document can be used by specifiers and installers to provide specific details about the OmegaFlex® products being specified for a particular project
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